You are here: Mobile Apps > Stock Manage > Transfer


The Transfer menu allows you to transfer items between multiple locations.

Before performing a Transfer, it is a good idea to download the data from Idealpos, as new details may have been added.

If the data was not cleared when uploading from previous Transfers, you can download the data again which will overwrite any data on the device.

Once you have downloaded your data, go to the Transfers menu from the main screen.



Any transfers that you have previously entered will be displayed here, otherwise the page will be blank.

As soon as you change a field from default, you will have created a record, which can be deleted if you don’t want it.

Swipe the record from right to left to delete it from the list.



Press the + button to add a new transfer.

The ‘Details’ screen will open where you can select the ‘From’ location.

Once you have selected the ‘From’ location, go back to the ‘Details’ screen to the select the ‘To’ location.

The location you selected in the ‘From’ field will not be displayed in the list.

You must select a Source and Destination location or the transfer will not be able to be processed when it is uploaded to Idealpos.

Enter a reference for the transfer in the reference field if you require one.



Press the ‘Items’ button to add the items you want to transfer between the locations.

Search for an item by scanning it with the barcode reader, or press the + button to search for an item.

You can scroll to the item you want or search via description or stock code.

If the item does not display after being scanned, or you cannot find it, then it is not enabled for that location.



Select the item you want to transfer and enter the quantity.

Press ‘Save’ to add more items to the transfer.



When you have added all the items to the transfer, you can exit back to the transfer menu to create a transfer between different locations, or exit the transfer menu completely.